


王恒,教授,博士生导师,“国家海外高层次人才”青年项目特聘教授,山东省青年创新团队负责人,泰山学者青年专家。研究方向为农业动物功能基因组,主攻猪产肉性状和肉质性状形成的生物学基础,肌肉发育和再生的分子机理,肌肉和脂肪细胞形成的表观遗传机制解析等。以通讯作者或第一作者(共同)在Cell Stem Cell,Nature Communications,Cell Reports等杂志发表多篇论文,主持国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划子课题等多个项目,获授权专利3项,任Experimental Cell Research期刊编委。


  2009 - 2016 , 博士后 , 细胞与分子生物学 , Karolinska Institute
 2007 - 2008 , 博士后 , 动物科学与人类营养学, University of Hawaii
  2002 - 2007 , 博士, 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 华中农业大学
  1998 - 2002 , 本科,动物科学 , 华中农业大学


  2022 - 至今 , 教授 , 山东农业大学
  2017 - 2021 , 教授 , 华中农业大学











1.Ren R, Fan Y, Peng Z, Wang S, Jiang Y, Fu L, Cao J, Zhao S, Wang H*. Characterization and perturbation of CTCF-mediated chromatin interactions for enhancing myogenic transdifferentiation. Cell Reports. 40(7):111206. (2022)

2.Wang S, Liao Y, Zhang H, Jiang Y, Peng Z, Ren R, Li X, Wang H*. Tcf12 is required to sustain myogenic genes synergism with MyoD by remodelling the chromatin landscape. Communications Biology. 5(1):1201. (2022)

3.Luo W, Xu Y, Liu R, Liao Y, Wang S, Zhang H, Li X, Wang H*. Retinoic acid and RARγ maintain satellite cell quiescence through regulation of translation initiation. Cell Death Disease. 13(9):838. (2022)

4.Ren H, Zhang H, Hua Z, Zhu Z, Tao J, Xiao H, Zhang L, Bi Y*, Wang H*. ACSL4 Directs Intramuscular Adipogenesis and Fatty Acid Composition in Pigs. Animals. 12(1):119. (2022)

5.Yin B, Zhang K, Du X, Cai H, Ye T, Wang H*. Developmental switch from morphological replication to compensatory growth for salamander lung regeneration. Cell Proliferation. e13369 (2022)

6.Zhang H, Wang S, Zhou Q, Liao Y, Luo W, Peng Z, Ren R, Wang H*. Disturbance of calcium homeostasis and myogenesis caused by TET2 deletion in muscle stem cells. Cell Death Discovery. 8(1):236. (2022)

7.Peng Z, Yin B, Ren R, Liao Y, Cai H, Wang H*. Altered metabolic state impedes limb regeneration in salamanders. Zoological Research. 42(6):772-782. (2021)

8.Yin B, Ren H, Cai H, Jiang Y, Zhao S, Wang H*. Dynamics of cardiomyocyte and muscle stem cell proliferation in pig. Experimental Cell Research. 388(2). 111854. (2020)

9. Elewa A, Wang H (co-first), Talavera-López C, Joven A, Brito G, Kumar A, Hameed LS, Penrad-Mobayed M, Yao Z, Zamani N, Abbas Y, Abdullayev I, Sandberg R, Grabherr M, Andersson B, Simon A. Reading and editing the Pleurodeles waltl genome reveals novel features of tetrapod regeneration. Nature Communications. 8(1):2286. (2017)

10.Wagner I, Wang H (co-first), Weissert PM, Straube WL, Shevchenko A, Gentzel M, Brito G, Tazaki A, Oliveira C, Sugiura T, Shevchenko A, Simon A, Drechsel DN, Tanaka EM. Serum proteases potentiate BMP-induced cell cycle re-entry of dedifferentiating muscle cells during newt limb regeneration. Developmental Cell. 40(6):608-617. (2017)

11.Wang H, Simon A. Skeletal muscle dedifferentiation during salamander limb regeneration. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 40, 108-112. (2016)

12.Wang H, Loof S, Borg P, Nader G, Blau HM, Simon A. (2015). Turning terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells into regenerative progenitors. Nature Communications. 6, 7916. (2015)

13.Sandoval-Guzmán T, Wang H (co-first), Khattak S, Schuez M, Roensch K, Nacu E, Tazaki A, Joven A, Tanaka EM, Simon A. Fundamental differences in dedifferentiation and stem cell recruitment during skeletal muscle regeneration in two salamander species. Cell Stem Cell. 14(2):174-187. (2014)

14.尹彬旭,王恒. Yap在哺乳动物内脏器官再生中的研究进展。中国细胞生物学报。44(8):1520-1528. (2022)

